Président SATT Paris-Saclay
Since 2014, CEO of SATT Paris-Saclay (44 p). SATT is a company who invest on technology coming from laboratories. Goals of these investments are to make the proof of concept on a technology for a specific market. 2012-2014, Deputy Director in charge of business development of the CEA LIST (750 p). 2011, Deputy Director in charge of Programs of the LIST Institute. From 2003 to 2010, Automotive partnership manager for LIST Institute. Expert for french research national agency in the fields of embedded systems for transportation applications. 2000-2003: project manager for automotive and railway sector at French Ministry of Research. Graduate of the Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Poitiers (ESIP) in 1994, holds a master in science in 1994 too.